Beiträge von ColinChapmanMK2

    Übrigens gibts Neuigkeiten über die Firma Speedstar und ihrem Bankrott:

    FYI - for those who were wondering about the future of SSR .... it looks like the company is now in good hands. Here is the official notice from Tanabe (new owners).

    "As you know, Speed Star Co. Ltd and Speed Star Sales Co. ltd went bankrupt on January 27th this year. The disappearance of their high end technology and the traditional brand maintained for more than thirty years will not be acceptable to the people concerned in the after market as very shocking and unforgettable news of 2005.

    We were looking for measures of their reconstruction in some way since January 27th because we had been engaged in the sales of their products in South East Asian countries and had a favorable relationship with them long term.

    We, Tanabe Co.,Ltd, have been selected as the exclusive buyer of business rights and assets of the two companies (Speed Star Racing & Speed Star Wheel) as the result of the tender invited by the receiver.

    We will need more or less one month to complete the transfer of the assets from the receiver and to restart the production and sales. We will keep you informed each time the details come to be clear.

    We will continue to produce SSR products as well as our Tanabe products"



    Na ja, ich hatte mich -soweit ich weiss- hier vorher nie angemeldet, deshalb wunderte mich es schon etwas, dass meine erste Mailadresse nicht funktionierte.

    Ich bitte auch um ein wenig Verständnis, da mich das Ganze ein wenig erschüttert hat. Ich versuche sonstwas, bevor ich derartiges mache. Bisher hat es immer eine Lösung gegeben, so eine Sache persönlich zu klären, diesmal leider nicht.

    Wenn du möchtest, kann ich dir gerne den gesamten Mailkontakt mit stocky zukommen lassen, damit dur dir darüber ein Bild machen kannst.

    Hier meine alte mailadresse:

