Beiträge von Wazpe


    I'm in desperate need for Vortech supercharger TUV approval papers.

    I know you guys need to have the TUV approval by each vehicle, but here in Finland it is ok just to have copy of some car with similar system.

    So please help northern friend in need and send me JPG, fax or etc... if someone has TUV approved superchager S2k.

    Thanks and best regards,


    Greetings from Finland,

    I'm coming to Germany in the end of the next week to buy S2000 and looking for damaged S2000:s,

    So my question is that is there any website for damaged cars, or company where to find cars that have been in accident?

    (Oh, and if somebody is selling their S, I'm potential buyer, just sold my old one and have to get new :) )

    B. Regards,
