Beiträge von pbussey
Ich arbeite bei Caterpillar (MaK). I think your English skills are better than my Deutsch skills right now... Ich verstehe, aber nicht sehr gut sprechen. "Google Translate" helps me
I know it is winter now, but where can I find information races/car shows/drifting/drag racing? Meine freunde und ich habe ein webseite fur auto enthusiasts und Ich fotografiere und Blog den ereignissen. RaceFriv.com
Hallo alle! Ich heiße Parker, and I have just moved from the US to Kiel for work and I am trying to find some people into the car scene. It seems like most people in Kiel are into boating instead of cars though. Unfortunately, I had to leave my S behind in the states for now, but maybe in a few months I can bring it over. For now, I'm mostly working on my German language skills.
My car is a 2004 (2.2L in the US) GPW with tan interior. I am not the type to modify my car unless it is a functional change, so for now I have stayed mostly stock with wider Dunlop Star Spec tires, and high-temp brake pad compounds. I really need to upgrade the front sway bar as you can see in the pictures!
[Blockierte Grafik: https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/267682_990636030621_33003544_43125198_3554535_a.jpg]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-fjS69vven-Y/Tn_qbUXrBfI/AAAAAAACqYQ/bwcR8FRV4uE/s640/DSC07661.JPG]