Hello guys,
I am going to buy a Bilstein coilover from that shop:
Someone knows it? It is a reliable site?
than you very much!
Hello guys,
I am going to buy a Bilstein coilover from that shop:
Someone knows it? It is a reliable site?
than you very much!
thank you!
Hello to everione!
for sale this wonderful shift knob, for S2000 and many other cars.
ARC 100% original, mint condition, first gen, wonderful, with its original packaging.
Unique, not rare.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-W_9mWnmeCQw/U6PdjRWldyI/AAAAAAAABvU/YWdK3tiIQMU/s512/20140605_203531.jpg]
If you want other pics, just ask!
120 Eur, plus shipping (15 Eur approx.)
the topic can be closed, thank you.
I can trade for a silver or black hard top!
original papers:
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0_pxlxDDCJU/UnoCDInMYJI/AAAAAAAABDo/O9USKTj1jwY/s640/IMG-20131105-WA0003.jpg]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Oji0AhG2r_g/UnoCDAgAyUI/AAAAAAAABDk/zH8IHSiobac/s640/IMG-20131105-WA0004.jpg]
Hello to all another time from Italy
I have a wonderful HKS Hi-Power Silent exhaust, mint condition, like new, amazing, thrilling sound, 100% stainless steel, made in Japan.
To appreciate the wonderful sound, you can find some videos on Youtube searching for "S2000 HKS Hi-Power".
Improves performance and is much lighter of the original exhaust.
The exhaust was mounted and immediately removed from the car, it is new; on sale for project change
Price: 1.060 Eur + shipping (may be 40 Eut to Germany).
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-hY9ukamwnCc/Undm36nlFtI/AAAAAAAABA4/6w6LKDl2fyg/s640/IMG-20131102-WA0001.jpg]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-F9qjjMCig04/Undm32ixkuI/AAAAAAAABBA/t3PrbMu6owg/s640/IMG-20131102-WA0002.jpg]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-a6nPN4BwnhY/Undm6p4NUOI/AAAAAAAABBM/slppKDcLQ4M/s640/IMG-20131102-WA0003.jpg]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7rWZi4NLVVM/Undm4kp5PGI/AAAAAAAABBY/Ch_a32jzwjc/s640/IMG-20131102-WA0006.jpg]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Fuo7NH6_988/Undm455ITUI/AAAAAAAABB4/q4_P8vvpo7w/s640/IMG-20131102-WA0007.jpg]
bye bye
the topic can be locked,
thank you very much,
still available, price negotiable!
I can't edit first post to fix pictures
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-kuFvAGONA40/UbA6nBLKbrI/AAAAAAAAA4Y/a1az6SiHOPI/w830-h467-no/IMGA0029.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-S8aRTTqcR6g/UbA6lftdMlI/AAAAAAAAA4Y/yGdhP-gC0uo/w830-h467-no/IMGA0024.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-GHE9yezWCj8/UbA6kGTL_VI/AAAAAAAAA4Y/nm6u5tBtGUc/w830-h467-no/IMGA0020.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/--8dfNAxlTCE/UbA6kIVpIqI/AAAAAAAAA4Y/Mgk3fwiHRmI/w830-h467-no/IMGA0021.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-acJtjrnHhvY/UcAnpiolSaI/AAAAAAAAA4Y/frcaLBKo5QM/w830-h467-no/IMGA0030.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-fu0TjIM6O_U/UcAnqy_pRgI/AAAAAAAAA4Y/b5mgSUOUxh8/w830-h467-no/IMGA0034.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-cW__mYKgMSs/UcAnq1gf4OI/AAAAAAAAA4Y/Mmx7snl1-k8/w830-h467-no/IMGA0035.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mCA9CPnHM5Q/UcAnr4HsjTI/AAAAAAAAA4Y/nIC5jFgCz_4/w830-h467-no/IMGA0037.JPG]
price negotiable a little
Hello everyone once again!
A few months ago I came here to offer you a set of rims, which I then sold in Italy ( http://www.s2k.de/forum/thread…id=43001&hilightuser=5350 ).
Now I havea beatiful SpoonSports manifold, last release. Like new, with original box, it is a masterpiece. Good power gain and weight loss of 5 kg. The price I'm asking is 1.180 €; shipping to Germany will be 56 € with UPS.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-kuFvAGONA40/UbA6nBLKbrI/AAAAAAAAA10/5ne7QaQ5Vtw/s720/IMGA0029.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ruIRGYqzsZM/UbA6mKjCDqI/AAAAAAAAA1c/Uw_fRefIZ44/s720/IMGA0025.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-UCfVFV6T46M/UbA6k4v1eUI/AAAAAAAAA1E/MNc_IGmJGdE/s720/IMGA0022.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/--8dfNAxlTCE/UbA6kIVpIqI/AAAAAAAAA00/rqXLOjCS984/s720/IMGA0021.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-GHE9yezWCj8/UbA6kGTL_VI/AAAAAAAAA0w/Sdf1LgfoKaU/s720/IMGA0020.JPG]
Here the first release, you can see there are more welding point:
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.rhdjapan.com/media/catalog/product/cache/2/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/56459/Image/Normal/Image1.jpg]
And a SpoonSports sport computer, like new, perfectly matched to the manifold. The price I'm asking is 700 €; shipping to Germany will be 30 € with UPS.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-acJtjrnHhvY/UcAnpiolSaI/AAAAAAAAA2s/42rzcjGgWZo/s720/IMGA0030.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-x-Q-jptuF8w/UcAnplwvKmI/AAAAAAAAA2o/eXjD24QNXE8/s720/IMGA0032.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-fu0TjIM6O_U/UcAnqy_pRgI/AAAAAAAAA3A/PW9B7XhkmgA/s720/IMGA0034.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-cW__mYKgMSs/UcAnq1gf4OI/AAAAAAAAA3E/nOoqLRcsY0A/s720/IMGA0035.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-mCA9CPnHM5Q/UcAnr4HsjTI/AAAAAAAAA3Y/lZdVb7cd5xk/s720/IMGA0037.JPG]
Negotiable prices in particular when taken together.
I accept Paypal or bank transfer.
I can sell you more high res pics.
Please tell me for any info!
Best regards,
rims SOLD!
you can delete or lock the topic.
thank you very much!
thank you very much Kiyoshi!
Hello everyone from Italy!
My name is Stefano, I live on the Adriatic coast of central Italy, in San Benedetto del Tronto (Marche), a wonderful place for an holiday, if you want to come let me know!
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.grandhotelexcelsior.com/files/foto/riviera-adriatica-delle-palme/riviera.jpg]
I own the S2000 since 2010, I am part Italian S2K Club, maybe you know the Italian Club because of the 2009 Euro Meet.
I don't know if I have the permission to sell something, but I hope I will have the green light to show you this set of rims I have. I bought it some months ago, but I can't fit them because in Italy the approval of 18” rims is complicated and expensive. We don’t have TUV!!
They are Work Meister S2R, 18"x8" ET45 front, 18"x9" ET52 the rear, in perfect condition, with centering rings, specific nuts and center caps.
Very rare, made in Japan, two-piece, forged barrel, very expensive wheel (now a 18” Meister wheel cost more than 700$ each in USA).
Perfect fitting for S2000.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-5DfqnJWpV2I/UT2mGxN9C4I/AAAAAAAAApc/SuRPrZWvLXM/s720/IMGA0005.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-qOTEozeevMU/UT2mHt-XBjI/AAAAAAAAAro/_z6TqIimG6c/s720/IMGA0009.JPG]
[Blockierte Grafik: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-sFyrzdS7cdo/UT2mHVn3-LI/AAAAAAAAApU/12rDIuWMVws/s720/IMGA0007.JPG]
The price I'm asking is 1.300 €; I think is a reasonable price for a wheel set like that, but it's still negotiable. Shipping to Germany will be 100 €.
I accept bank transfer or Paypal.
Tell me for any info or other pics!
Thank you,