Brian Regan on Flying...für die Vielflieger


    Der Typ ist so genial...und im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen US-Comedians kommt er ohne "F-word" aus(nicht das mir was machen würde, aber es zeichnet Ihn aus).

    "You all know me. Know how I earn a living. I'll catch this Honda for you, but it's not going to be easy... Bad car. Not like going down the pond catching bluegills and tommycocks. This S2K... swallow you whole. Shaking. Tenderizing. Down you go."

  • Zitat

    Original von Tomcat
    "please remain seated" klingt doch wirklich fast wie "this is the last helicopter out of Vietnam"... :lol:

    Noch besser finde ich:"We are making Money.. RIGHT NOW!" und wie die Leute sich geben in der ersten Klasse. :lol: :thumbup:

    "You all know me. Know how I earn a living. I'll catch this Honda for you, but it's not going to be easy... Bad car. Not like going down the pond catching bluegills and tommycocks. This S2K... swallow you whole. Shaking. Tenderizing. Down you go."