Hey guys, I want to give you first dibs if you or know anyone interested in my AP2. I am going back to California in July.
USDM 2004 S2000
Rio Yellow Pearl
2.2L (AP2)
57,000 miles / 91,000 km
California and US EPA compliant
Neustadt an der Waldnaab registered
Tanabe Medalion dual exhaust, 93db (US$950)
K&N FIPK ($200)
KW coilover Variant 3 ($2400)
OEM front splitter ($550)
Only used Mobil1 5/30 full synthentic
I already have the California title to the car. The next TÜV inspection is in April.
PM me for a price and terms of the sale.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482998_481623091896556_390333671_n.jpg]