26.06.2010 ca 9:25Uhr A4 richtung Köln

  • Moin Leute,

    habe einen schneeweißen S2000 offen fahren sehen in Richtung Köln auf der A4 mit kleinem Heckspoiler.
    Und wer wars???? ^^

    "The main motivation for all of us is to compete for a victory, its not to come 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th. I race to win as long as I feel its possible..." A.Senna!

  • so spät fährst du zur arbeit? ^^ man hast du´s gut :D

    "The main motivation for all of us is to compete for a victory, its not to come 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th. I race to win as long as I feel its possible..." A.Senna!

  • Du fängst Samstags was später an ^^ ich arbeite Samstags garnicht :D ausser ich habe Bereitschaft :D

    "The main motivation for all of us is to compete for a victory, its not to come 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th. I race to win as long as I feel its possible..." A.Senna!