Ganz komische Geschichte?

  • Habe meinen S im Autoscout24 inserriert.
    Ich bekam vor 2 Tagen eine sms auf mein Handy die von einem Alfred Gallegos per gmail gesendet worden ist.
    Er hätte Interesse an meinem Auto und würde aber gerne den letzten Preis wissen alles auf Englisch?
    Als ich Ihm per E mail schrieb welch mein letzter Preis sein würde,bekam ich diese tolle Story von Ihm als Antwort :D

    Hier seine Story klingt verdammt nach Three Kingz haha!!!
    Und was meint ihr dazu??

    Hello Sir,Thanks for your response and also for stating your final price. please permit me to tell you something very important about me. I am an American soldier and i am in Iraq for peace keeping mission. Sir i want your assistance urgently. We found two big metal boxes in a desert here when we went for a raid. The money we believe belonged to some Taliban group that ran away when we came here so they hide the money in the boxes and put them in a hole close to the desert where they were staying.

    Now we counted the money in the two boxes that we found and it is (US$17Million) Seventeen Million Dollars. Now me and the three soldiers that found the money have decided that we shall use some of the money for charity and also help the poor and the needy all over the world. We know that is better that way than to leave it for the evil people here. By right we are to keep the loot, we also need the money to establish our families when we leave Iraq and return home to USA.I want to buy your car because i will be redeployed out of here before the year runs out.

    Am explaining this to you because i need your help to help us receive these boxes in your country and keep it in a safe place until i come and collect them. We have agreed to give you 20% of the money which is (US$3.4Million) if you agree and help us keep it in a safe place until we are able to leave here. I do not have any relative because i am an Orphan and i grew up in a motherless babies home in USA so i do not have anyone to trust so i decided to ask you because i feel you are a Responsible person.

    I also want you to know that this is a charity work because as you do this you have helped so many poor people around the world who will benefit from this money just like you would also. We have plans to send the boxes to you through a friend who works with the Red Cross. They come here every week and bring reliefs from Europe, so when he comes i will give him the boxes and ask him to deliver them to you, with the Red cross the boxes will not be searched until they get to you, so the delivery will be safe and it will in no way endanger or cause you any problem.

    My friend i plead with you to assist us and lets do this together for humanitarian purpose. I will attached my picture and a picture of the money that we found in the boxes in my next email to you to enable you view it privately.

    Waiting to hear from you.

  • Dann darf jeder im Forum seinen S auf meine Kosten tunen lassen :D

    Ich verstehe aber nicht so wirklich was ich damit anfangen soll?
    Zufällig habe ich gestern den Film Three Kingz geguckt und das was er schreibt ist genau wie in dem Film???
    Kann den Film nur empfehlen ^^

  • Hab sofort ne Antwort bekommen,seht her!
    Und ein Bild mit Ihm und dem Geld???

    Und wenn ich das Geld dann habe darf jeder aus dem Forum seinen S tunen so gut er kann ;)

    Thank you for your email,I have attached a picture alongside this email, which i took with the money to show you that this is no joke. What i require from you is to assist me in safe keeping the Box in your country till i come over to pick up the cash and you will keep 20% of the total money as your share.

    Thank you and i look forward to hearing from you.

    Captain Alfred.

  • Boah Mann bist Du ein Glückspilz! 8o :thumbup:
    Viel Spaß beim Ausgeben Deiner Millionen!!! :D :D :D :D

    Mal im Ernst? Kennst Du diese Masche echt noch nicht?
    Spätestens an der Stelle wo stand "ich bin Soldat im Irak..." hab ich schon aufgehört zu lesen.
    Krass, daß Du dem tatsächlich geantwortet hast. Aber danke auch dafür, sonst hätte ich wahrscheinlich nie erfahren, wie solche Dinger eigentlich weiter gehen. ;)
    Vermutlich gröhlt sich schon das halbe Forum die Hosen voll vor Lachen!
    Junge mach Dich nicht unglücklich und schick dem BLOSS keine Daten von Dir, keine Bankdaten o.ä.! Schon schlimm genug, daß Du ihm per Mail geantwortet hast. Wenn ich Du wär, würd ich meine E-Mail-Adresse löschen und eine neue erstellen.

    "Please take good care of your S2000, keep it by your side for long and enjoy it from the bottom of your heart. And share the quality and legacy of the S2000 with many friends..."
    Shigeru Uehara @ Euromeet 2009

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von brunoammain ()

  • Du ich glaub daran nicht und ich werde dem auch keine Daten geben ;)
    Ich will nur wissen was da alles kommt,hast doch nicht im Ernst gedacht das ich denke ich bin jetzt reich??
    Habe das nur gepostet,weil ich von euch wissen wollte was das soll???

  • Ist doch zum x-ten Mal die alte Nigeria-Betrugsmasche (einfach mal "Nigeria 419" googeln oder bei Wikipedia unter "Vorschussbetrug" nachschlagen).

    Für den Umgang mit derartigen Angeboten empfiehlt die Polizei:
    · Nie antworten! Ihr Briefkopf, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse oder Kontonummer könnten für weitere kriminelle Taten missbraucht werden.
    · Die Ihnen übersandten Angebotsschreiben oder E-Mails müssen Sie der Polizei nicht weiterleiten; gleichartige Angebote liegen bereits tausendfach vor.
    · Werfen Sie den Brief weg oder löschen Sie die E-Mail!
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  • Hier kam nochwas???

    My Dear Friend,

    Thank you for your email.Please understand that this deal is very confidential and i want you to know that no one knows about this money apart from me and the three soldiers who were with me on that day. About transporting the boxes every week a red cross relief jet leaves Iraq for Europe so as to collect relief from donors in Europe, we are planning to use a Red Cross officer to get the box across to you. The Red Cross officer has agreed to help me deliver the boxes to any specified destination within his capability i.e once the Red cross jet arrives in Europe, He will then proceed to your destination based on a special arrangement for this delivery. As you know red cross jets have a certain degree of immunity because of the nature of the humanitarian work they do and this is why we consider this mode of delivery as the safest because the boxes will not be searched or suspected for any reason.

    The Red Cross Official will ensure that he delivers the boxes to the particular address which i will give to him as i told him they are my valuables and documents used by the Army here and i will pay him for his services. So kindly provide me with the ADDRESS where you wish to receive the box and your FULL NAMES for registration of the parcel for delivery by the Red cross officer. Once you receive the boxes, you will then open it with the key combination which i will provide to you upon the receipt of the boxes, after which you will take your percentage from the money and then keep the remaining amount for until i come to your location and carry our share.

    I do not know you in person but i am working with you on trust and i want you to understand that my real intention for most of my share is to assist the needy and donate to the starved children in Africa and Haiti, so i want you to still consider this mission as a charity work which you are involved in although you are getting paid for it but it is still humanitarian, so please put in your best in this. As i informed you earlier you will keep 20% of the total amount of 17Million US$ when you receive the money, and i feel that is fair enough.

    P/S Please make sure you do not discuss this matter with a third party for security reasons, knowing the amount of money involved. kindly send me a picture of you so i can know i am working with. To ensure our safety and confidentiality of this transaction, kindly send all further correspondence to this E-mail address.

    Hope to hear from you soon..

    Best Wishes,
    Captain Alfred Gallegos