Hannover/Harz Ausfahrt am 03.04.2004

  • Hi German S2000 drivers in Hannover,
    I see that you are planning drive in the woods.
    I like to drive in the woods too SmileSmile
    would you have room for another driver??
    I very Little speak German, but have velly nice car.
    Do you drive very quick,how often we stop for Tea and biscuits?
    Is it very windy, don't want to get too cold CryingCryingCrying
    You don't break any speed limits do you? Evil
    If I come with you I shall need someone to walk in front of my nice car with a white flag, otherwise I can't see the road too well WinkWink
    I have very fast acceleration,0 to 100 kms in Blink' Blink seconds!!
    I am very happy with Japanese rice wok, very much fun.
    Shows these german cars a thing or to don't you think.
    I have fitted double Flame-throwers to mine so that the car behind me keeps his distance EvilEvil
    Don't like tailgaters.
    So must go now, see you boys and girls soon. WinkWinkWink
    very happy meeting you on Flat screen with many buttons to press
    and look at.


    Man with velly shiney car and wheels LaughingLaughingLaughing

    Question for Yoda ConfusedConfused

    Do you look Like Little Man in Film?? WinkWink and why is
    Yellow Postbox with wheels in this thread?? SurprisedSurprised
    So many questions, Who the hell is augustina??
    Maybe good looking pin-up girl from Honda S2000 Calendar 04.

    Hope to meet you in Cafe del sol,but I allready Look at map of
    Spain, but me not find it. Take me too long to get there anyway
    White Flag man walk too slow SadSad

    Till next time
    Man from city with castle WinkWinkWinkWink

  • Habe heute morgen meine privatpersönliche Offenfahrsaison eröffnet! Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy

    Ich sage nur:

    Braunschweig - minus fünf Grad - das Haar sitzt -

    (und das nicht Dank "Drei Wetter Taft")

    9000 Grüße an alle,

    Michael ZZ69

    Wer später bremst, ist länger schnell!

    S2000 wird gerade wieder gesucht, TT8N 3,2 DSG, Polo WRC, 06er Aprilia RS125

  • Arrière,

    homme de la ville de château n'a pas ! Laughing

    Nous avons clairement encore la place pour te, mais seulement si tu n'es pas rumgurckst!! Twisted

    Ne sont pas certes petit, toutefois pas tout à fait si petit comme des Yoda dans le film ! Propriété aussi le pouvoir ! Le pouvoir du régime sera avec moi !! Smile

    Cafe lentement del Sol un bar à Hildesheim tu oeuf ! attacher toutefois volontiers peuvent te.

    Blanc celui qui tu tu Anglais bizarre es ! VeryVeryVery


  • Hi Michael!!

    but does not mean openly record is nevertheless not bad you did not break, minus 10 degrees and small race with gulf R32 openly. At night at 23 o'clock approx.. That was hard core! TwistedTwistedTwisted

    Greeting Marius

  • Hello everybody, Hello Black-Magic

    feel free to join for the "wooddriving"

    the status harztour has been changed, now it´s an international harz tour

    speed limit, we don´t spend time to think for this.

    Augustina, is a joke from Yoda, he is not a she, Wink

    In our group we have same people who speak English very well, i.e. Neil+Marina

    See you soon Augustinus

  • Hi Augustinus

    Danke fur die einladung,Ich habe nicht gedacht das jemand von euch mich nicht erkennen wird. Embarassed war nur ein bischen spass
    als meine erste posting als Black-Magic. Very Happy

    @ Marius : Petze Smile

    Ab sofort gibt es allerdings kein gewahr auf mein rechtschreiben
    und die englische schimpf wörter lassen sich eh schlecht ubersetzen WinkWinkWink

    Freu mich Marina und Neil kennenzulern Very HappyVery Happy


    Neil alias Black-Magic

  • mein einsatz kommt noch......

    btw, wollen wir zu thema zurückkommen.
    Marius, bodetal und kyff, wird zu stressig, denke
    an die old (über 40) english coffeedriver, they need tea-breaks.

    see you augustina

  • hallo jungs,

    ein paar tage noch und du bist doch auch in der riege !!!!

    was soll den dieses mitläufertum - sag gefälligst an
    wo wir langfahren wollen, schließlich hast du die
    tour ins leben gerufen