• Zitat

    Original von McHeizer
    Meine sind OK :thumbup:
    Alle 4 sehen nach ca. 1000km so aus:

    Siehste ,Bernd macht wieder Alle Verrückt meine sind auch ok und JAB seine im Rennwagen auch einwandfrei in Ordnung :] .

    @ Bernd

    Du must nicht immer mit den Zündkerzen Fußball spielen :lol:

  • Zitat

    Original von super_2000
    It could look worse! Apart from being really foul, some guy over-reved his engine in 2nd and 3rd and his OEM plug look like this!
    It looks like the plug melted.....

    Hhm, Melted because of over-revs?
    Looks more like a mechanical demage, or?
    But in that case the hammered spark plug is the least disease...There must be more broken inside.


    BJ '05
    Moonrock &
    schwarz/rote Innereien

  • Zitat

    Original von super_2000
    It could look worse! Apart from being really foul, some guy over-reved his engine in 2nd and 3rd and his OEM plug look like this!
    It looks like the plug melted.....

    McHeizer: Your plugs are brand new man!

    I've also read the story in s2ki.com, Fran. :twisted: The guy shifted from 3rd Gear into 2nd instead of 4th! A valve has broken and destroyed the Head and the Piston. But it wasnt the fault of the sparks (at least not in this case). And in the picture the plugs aren't Denso.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von bpaspi (25. Juli 2008 um 23:33)

  • Zitat

    Original von S-enna_2000

    Hhm, Melted because of over-revs?
    Looks more like a mechanical demage, or?
    But in that case the hammered spark plug is the least disease...There must be more broken inside.


    A bit of both I would say. Your right though, the plugs are least to worry about because now the broken bits are in the engine. Ouch!

  • Zitat

    Original von bpaspi

    I've also read the story in s2ki.com, Fran. :twisted: The guy shifted from 3rd Gear into 2nd instead of 4th! A valve has broken and destroyed the Head and the Piston. But it wasnt the fault of the sparks (at least not in this case). And in the picture the plugs aren't Denso.

    I have almost 50k on my S, I will check my plugs this weekend and plus I was driving hard on the NS the last weeks. I may try the Denso IK22 for a change.....


  • Zitat

    Original von bpaspi
    Never change a winning Team! :nod:

    They look absolut good -means your engine is running good and the sparks are the right ones.

    Use the same NGK's again -my recommendation!

    Alright, sounds good to me. :thumbup:


  • habe heute mal meine zünkerzen überprüft!

    Und was sehen meine augen da!! alle durch, der weiße keramik körper ist bei allen 4 kerzen schwarz :x

    Da ich die kerzen noch nie gewechselt habe, erstaunte ich als ich den namen Denso gesehen habe. Denso PK22 oder so. ich dachte NGK is OEM???? die zündspulen sind auch von denso!! ist das so richtig??? :?

  • Zitat

    Original von McHeizer
    dazu muss man sagen:
    Honda hat ja als OEM Kerze zwei Typen freigegeben: jew einen Typ NGK u Denso.
    Nur ist OEM ein anderer Typ (PK22) als dieser hier (IK24 ->kälter)

    "Racing, competing, is in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life. I've been doing it all my life. And it stands up before anything else.