S2k treffen in Stuttgart mit Fotoshooting!?

  • Zitat

    Original von Chili-P.

    Ich AUCH !
    25.9. wäre perfekt !

    Was sagt der Organisator !?!


    passsst!!! ;)

    "Revvin' up your engine, listen to her howlin' roar, metal under tension, beggin' you to touch and go..."

    Mods: Mugen Intake/Header/Exhaust/Active Gate Rotors, Hondata FlashPro, Invidia 60mm Testpipe, Endless MX-72, KW V3, 17" CE28N, Michelin PS4, Spoon Gusset Plate, Spoon Rigid Collars, J's STB & ETD, Beatrush Braces, Fender Braces, Stahlbus Bleeder Valves, Radium '06 OCC, Vibra Technics Engine Mounts, Hasport 62A Diff. Mounts, Koyo Radiator, Fluidampr, CR-Sway Bars.