Korekte Aussage zum Thema Boost

  • Bin gerade mal ein bisschen durchs s2ki gesurft und hab mir mal ein paar Threads zum Thema Turbo durchgelesen. Dabei ist mir folgendes Statement aufgefallen und der Junge hat meiner Meinung nach vollkommen recht:


    This isn't a damn rotary where you need to replace motors 20 times a year. This piston engine has a lot of R&D done to it along with all forged internals. I don't know where you're coming with this info like we need a totally new motor build up and such. This motor doesn't have defective, under-developed, and inefficient pieces like lets say ....a apex seal. The factory internals on this engine has equal strength and rigidity as other aftermarket forged internals. The 11:1 compression just limits the amount of boost that can be safely run on pump gas to around 7psi without the aid of any octane booster or combustion chamber cooling.
