War überrascht, wer da die 1/4 Meil gewinnt
C6 vs S2000 zwangsbeatmet
submitted by GetALife October 19, 2006 score (+5)
this is where the power to weight ratio plays a big part in the race
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submitted by GSR1 October 22, 2006 score (+1)U ARE RIGHT, but if the vette had the same turbo with 9.5psi, it would have been another outcome...
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submitted by 656970 November 19, 2006 score (0)
No shit. And if the S2000 had a V12 with quad turbos, it would beat the vette too.
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Ih rmuesst mal den Rest der Komemntare lesen
Klasse Kommentare
Aber die Vette hat 'ne geile Nocke drin
Oo also das war doch wohl klar dass der s den kalt macht :PP
aber mein favorit ist immernoch der hier -
Original von Greeny
Blubbernde Z06Einfach nur geil!
Also ich find einmal im Leben muss man schon so nen richtigen V8 gefahren haben
Original von Greeny
Blubbernde Z06*sabber*