HSV-020 zum selberbasteln

  • ich werds auch probieren :D hab mir auch die ganzen NSX (Arta, Raybrig usw.) gezogen papercraft

    "Revvin' up your engine, listen to her howlin' roar, metal under tension, beggin' you to touch and go..."

    Mods: Mugen Intake/Header/Exhaust/Active Gate Rotors, Hondata FlashPro, Invidia 60mm Testpipe, Endless MX-72, KW V3, 17" CE28N, Michelin PS4, Spoon Gusset Plate, Spoon Rigid Collars, J's STB & ETD, Beatrush Braces, Fender Braces, Stahlbus Bleeder Valves, Radium '06 OCC, Vibra Technics Engine Mounts, Hasport 62A Diff. Mounts, Koyo Radiator, Fluidampr, CR-Sway Bars.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MUGEN_S2K (15. April 2010 um 16:04)

  • Hab den HSV fertig ;)


    "Revvin' up your engine, listen to her howlin' roar, metal under tension, beggin' you to touch and go..."

    Mods: Mugen Intake/Header/Exhaust/Active Gate Rotors, Hondata FlashPro, Invidia 60mm Testpipe, Endless MX-72, KW V3, 17" CE28N, Michelin PS4, Spoon Gusset Plate, Spoon Rigid Collars, J's STB & ETD, Beatrush Braces, Fender Braces, Stahlbus Bleeder Valves, Radium '06 OCC, Vibra Technics Engine Mounts, Hasport 62A Diff. Mounts, Koyo Radiator, Fluidampr, CR-Sway Bars.

  • Top! :thumbup:

    Hast du von 16 Uhr bis 2 Uhr nachts durchgebastelt? :twisted:

    "Please take good care of your S2000, keep it by your side for long and enjoy it from the bottom of your heart. And share the quality and legacy of the S2000 with many friends..."
    Shigeru Uehara @ Euromeet 2009

  • naja saß bestimmt 4 stunden dran :D. das ausschneiden dauert recht lange.
    als papier hab ich din a4 papier verwendet welches doppel so dick wie normales drucker papier ist.
    was das verblassen angeht, hab mir überlegt das ganze mit einem klarlack zu überziehn.

    "Revvin' up your engine, listen to her howlin' roar, metal under tension, beggin' you to touch and go..."

    Mods: Mugen Intake/Header/Exhaust/Active Gate Rotors, Hondata FlashPro, Invidia 60mm Testpipe, Endless MX-72, KW V3, 17" CE28N, Michelin PS4, Spoon Gusset Plate, Spoon Rigid Collars, J's STB & ETD, Beatrush Braces, Fender Braces, Stahlbus Bleeder Valves, Radium '06 OCC, Vibra Technics Engine Mounts, Hasport 62A Diff. Mounts, Koyo Radiator, Fluidampr, CR-Sway Bars.

  • hab jetzt ne Schicht Klarlack draufgesprüht, passt soweit :D


    "Revvin' up your engine, listen to her howlin' roar, metal under tension, beggin' you to touch and go..."

    Mods: Mugen Intake/Header/Exhaust/Active Gate Rotors, Hondata FlashPro, Invidia 60mm Testpipe, Endless MX-72, KW V3, 17" CE28N, Michelin PS4, Spoon Gusset Plate, Spoon Rigid Collars, J's STB & ETD, Beatrush Braces, Fender Braces, Stahlbus Bleeder Valves, Radium '06 OCC, Vibra Technics Engine Mounts, Hasport 62A Diff. Mounts, Koyo Radiator, Fluidampr, CR-Sway Bars.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MUGEN_S2K (16. April 2010 um 19:55)

  • Zitat

    Original von super_2000
    Eddy you have way too much free time! :P

    Good job though! :thumbup:

    maybe dude :P

    want one? :D :lol: klick me

    "Revvin' up your engine, listen to her howlin' roar, metal under tension, beggin' you to touch and go..."

    Mods: Mugen Intake/Header/Exhaust/Active Gate Rotors, Hondata FlashPro, Invidia 60mm Testpipe, Endless MX-72, KW V3, 17" CE28N, Michelin PS4, Spoon Gusset Plate, Spoon Rigid Collars, J's STB & ETD, Beatrush Braces, Fender Braces, Stahlbus Bleeder Valves, Radium '06 OCC, Vibra Technics Engine Mounts, Hasport 62A Diff. Mounts, Koyo Radiator, Fluidampr, CR-Sway Bars.

  • Zitat

    Original von Don Cusco
    Hast du ein Fotopapier dafür verwendet? Die Farben auf dem normalen Papier verblassen mit der Zeit.
    Sieht toll aus :thumbup:

    würde am besten mattes Photopapier verwenden :thumbup:

    "Revvin' up your engine, listen to her howlin' roar, metal under tension, beggin' you to touch and go..."

    Mods: Mugen Intake/Header/Exhaust/Active Gate Rotors, Hondata FlashPro, Invidia 60mm Testpipe, Endless MX-72, KW V3, 17" CE28N, Michelin PS4, Spoon Gusset Plate, Spoon Rigid Collars, J's STB & ETD, Beatrush Braces, Fender Braces, Stahlbus Bleeder Valves, Radium '06 OCC, Vibra Technics Engine Mounts, Hasport 62A Diff. Mounts, Koyo Radiator, Fluidampr, CR-Sway Bars.