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Schaut mal was es gibt !
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Habs schon.
Ist lesenswert. Eine Sammlung von sehr vielen Presseberichten, Vergleichtests zu Boxster, Z4 usw. Komplett in englisch.
Original von Los Eblos
Habs schon.Ist lesenswert. Eine Sammlung von sehr vielen Presseberichten, Vergleichtests zu Boxster, Z4 usw. Komplett in englisch.
dito und fullack
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ZitatOriginal von steve hislop
dito und fullack
Dieses FULLACK gefällt Dir, was? -
Original von Los Eblos
Dieses FULLACK gefällt Dir, was?
jau...alles was anschläge spart ist gut...besonders wenn du den ganzen tag ziegelwände mit nem 25kg schweren abrissbohrhammer niedergerungen hast
meine handgelenke tun weh wie die von rocky als er gegen den russen angetreten ist -
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Kleine Leseprobe gewünscht?
ZitatWe tried to bring the Honda S2000's exquisite talents to you months ago. Unfortunately, mere days before we got our grubby mitts on this rag-top, some other bozo magazine went and stuffed our shining example through the hedge. Another Billy Journalist, who clearly didn't know the definition of opposite lock, did exactly the same thing weeks after our S2000 trouble-free miles too, spearing our silver arrow backwards into a tree. Twonk.
The reason was clear enough to see, however. On my first foray out the company car park the back end slid out as I applied a modicum of power in the first gear. Some would have parked it and sworn never to drive that hateful machine again. Me, I loved it. That's the division when you come to razor-sharp handling machines like the 240bhp S2000. You either fall in love with manhandling this go-kart through even delicious slice of opposite lock, or it turns your trousers brown and you leave it alone. Apparently CART star Dario Franchitti sent his free example back, deciding that the suspension was all wrong. Bunch of puffs these racing guys.
If you're expecting the words supercharged and blower to feature heavily on this page then you'll be disappointed, because Mr Honda doesn't believe in such things. Instead he relies on [...]
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ZitatThe brakes are excellent and the sound of the engine screaming at 7000 rpm is reminiscent of the Honda-Powered BAR F1 car. Only when you drive it at the absolute limit does the S2000 begin to get a bit unhappy. The car will understeer in the tight stuff, and if you overcook it into a fast corner, the rear may step out before you can say, "What the $#@!"
It's a car that demands respect. Give the S2000 its proper due, and it will reward you with one of the most thrilling driving experiences this side of a race car.
If you're the type that dreams of one day driving an F1 car, but probably won't have the means or talent to actually do so, then perhaps the S2000 is for you. It's about the close as you can get to those multi-million-dollar machines as far as production cars are concerned.
ZitatIf clothes make the man, then the engine definitely makes the car.